Day Centre

Looking for a warm and welcoming Norwich day centre for elderly loved ones? Our centre provides a safe, engaging environment for seniors facing loneliness, isolation, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. With friendly staff, social activities, and compassionate care, we help older people stay connected and enjoy their day.
Discover a supportive community where you're love, valued and stimulated.

Day Centre

Every Tuesday
& Thursday
When is it?

“It’s very lonely at home in the winter, cold and horrible at home. I recommend coming here at least once or twice a week to break the ice.”

“Brilliant…very good. Excellent”
“They are so friendly, everything is nice.”

The Need

Approximately 14,800 people in Norfolk currently live with dementia, a number expected to nearly double by 2040. As loneliness rises among the elderly, social isolation affects more than just those with dementia. Additionally, limited mobility prevents many from enjoying past activities and makes leaving home more difficult.

What we offer
Our Day Centre addresses this urgent need by providing a warm, welcoming environment with social interaction, engaging entertainment, and delicious home-cooked meals.

Our Activities Include:
Ball games
Card Games
We also invite guest speakers and performers. Past guests include the choir from Edith Cavell Academy, the Deputy Housekeeper to Buckingham Palace, a presentation on Medieval Medicine, and the Club favorite, Reminiscence East. All entertainment is designed to engage members, spark memories, and encourage conversation.
Get in touch
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