Vision & Values

Our Vision
We exist to meet the needs of local people and provide hope through programmes of community care.
Our Values
Community Action Norwich strives to uphold basic human values as presented through Christian teachings. We seek to reflect these values through our own lives and caring work. We believe in the inherent dignity, the unique beauty and intrinsic value of all people, as being made in the image of God.
We recognise that in each human being there is a valuable member of society who is worthy of respect, no matter what lifestyle they choose to follow. We acknowledge the right of each individual to experience the love which is based in Christianity. We are committed to sharing this love by offering care and hospitality to all who come to our programs.
We aim to provide an environment in which all will feel valued and loved. We value excellence in all things. Using our abilities and efforts we strive to create programs which offer holistic care for the whole person.